Streaky Bay

We had an amazing day in Streaky Bay today - we decided to spend the day in Streaky Bay before driving the 110 km to Ceduna (not sure what it is famous for yet but will keep you posted....) We stayed at the Streaky Bay Foreshore Tourist Park (8.5/10) which was right on the beach. Last night we played the obligatory beach running races and fortunately some of our grey nomad friends took it amongst themselves to be the starting gun and the judges allowing Matt and I to enjoy a drink. The same friends decided the boys had too much energy and woke them early this morning to take them fishing for scallops.


Last night's beach running races. They all had a go at winning and cheating! (And falling) 

Last night's beach running races. They all had a go at winning and cheating! (And falling) 

This morning we walked on the pier and meet our first 'friends'. A Melbourne family taking a similar trek. We discovered we have booked into similar places at similar times so look forward to catching up with them again. They have children similar ages to Bella and Will who love handstanding and football - perfect matches all around.


Our own private beach - Hallys beach...There was literally no-one for miles.

Our own private beach - Hallys beach...There was literally no-one for miles.

We then travelled to Hallys Beach about 10km from the park. Tom tells us is where Australia broke away from the rest of the world back when there were dinosaurs! We think he may be right. 


Where Australia broke away from the rest of world - Cape Bauer.  (and yep Tom's in just his jocks. I need to do some washing!) 

Where Australia broke away from the rest of world - Cape Bauer.  (and yep Tom's in just his jocks. I need to do some washing!) 

We had a very 'family' day today and also had an IT-free day (While travelling in the car, the IT has been a wonderful friend). However albeit just a short drive it was blissful listening to the kids in the back of the car making up their own (little bit wierd) games! 

Our stairway to our afternoon paradise. We never saw another person and enjoyed a picnic lunch on the beach. 

Our stairway to our afternoon paradise. We never saw another person and enjoyed a picnic lunch on the beach. 

Tonight we are in Ceduna.  We are having an early dinner - Spaghetti Bol cooked in the thermomix (with hundreds of hidden vegetables.) Tomorrow we have a big day driving so plan an early start to arrive in Eucla

And I have my first confession (of many). We are staying at the Shelley Beach Caravan Park - it's about 12km from town. Like usual, when I booked in for four kids I was asked if we wanted a key to the family bathroom. Although my kids are old enough to shower themselves I have learnt to say yes. I have figured that we have to pay more than others so we may as well take the perks. So tonight, in our very isolated, probably two-star caravan park I discovered a very clean, modern, unused bath. For those that know me well know how much I love my bath. So I took my book, my special family key and amongst the dust and dirt enjoyed my first (and most likely only) outback bath. Total bliss (until Bella knocked on the door...)

From the Stevens x
